evoluhol at magnum.wpe.com evoluhol at magnum.wpe.com
Sat Oct 11 09:11:14 EDT 1997

> Hi all,

> Would anyone know how I would find out about a collection of butterflies my
>  Great Uncle once donated to, I believe, the Museum of Natural History in
>  Manhattan.  I would like to find out if the collection still exists, or
>  it is stored (once displayed) and what, if any, documentation is kept on the
>  collector/donator (George Schmidt).
> Patty

     I never heard of a George, but the extensive worldwide collection by
Augie Schmidt was donated to and was assimilated into the collections of
Cornell University.
     As for anywhere else, it may take direct contact with the facility
which may have a file record of donated collections.  Oftentimes well
meaning donated collections go into cellars of institutions never to be
seen again except by rummaging special researchers.  I have seen some
small and extensive collections stacked in the basment at Peabody-Yale
which may never will surface again.


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