Starting a Butterfly collection

lday at lday at
Sat Oct 18 15:50:28 EDT 1997

Advice 1) Get a general entomology textbook and read the part in it 
about collecting.  Very helpful.

Advice 2) Go to local college/museum and find someone there who is
studying insects.  Ask them for help.  Even better!

Advice 3) Do a web search on "BioQuip" and you should come to a 
company that sells insect equipment for amateurs (and professionals).

There's way too much to learn for me to tell you in a letter, it would
take all afternoon!  Except that yes bugs do infest collections so yo
need to learn how to stop them.  

I hope this helps.

Liz Day

LDAY at 
Indianapolis, Indiana, central USA, 40 N latitude, zone 5.
Home of "Fred", the oldest living regal moth pupa.

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