moths GEHP: owl eyed moth

ernst neering Ernst.Neering at STAFF.TPE.WAU.NL
Thu Oct 23 21:44:00 EDT 1997


If I hear about an owl eyed moth, I immediately think of the neotropical owl 
butterfly Caligo (Nymphalidae: Brassolinae), the one that is so often 
illustrated in popular books about insects together with an owl which it is 
supposed to mimic.
The eyes are on the underside of the hindwings, which means a potential 
predator only sees one eye. The caterpillars live on plants of the banana 
family (Musaceae). They usually are active around dusk and often fly into 
houses, attracted by light, reason why people may think it is moth, not a 
butterfly. I do not know whether they can be found that far north.

If the eyes are on the upperside of the hindwing it may be one of the 
Saturniidae such as Automerus io, as Chris suggested, but also some are found 
in Sphingidae (hawkmoths, larvae are called hornworms). Smerinthus ocellata 
is a common european species, caterpillars on Salix, there is a Smerinthus 
cerisyi in the USA which is known as eyed hawkmoth.

I hope this helps you to find more about your moth.

Just a remark (also to Chris): if your project is on "bugs", it should be 
about Heteroptera not Lepidoptera.

Kind regards,

Ernst Neering
The Netherlands

>Could she be talking about an io moth (Automeris io) by chance?  She
>should try looking for pictures of it in basic bug books like the old
                              BUG BOOK?!?!?
>standby "Butterflies and Moths" by Mitchel and Zim.  I know there are
>some pictures of it on the web somewhere.  If that's what it is there is
>plenty of info out there.
>>This message is from Sarah < at>, a Sixth grade
>>student from Louisiana, USA.
>>Have you ever heard of an owl eyed moth?  I have a science project due
>>on bugs.  I caught a really pretty moth.  A neighbor told me it is an
>>owl eyed moth, but I can't find any information on owl eyed moths. If
>>you can help me, I sure would appreciate it!

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