FWD: caterpillar identification GEHP
Gordon Ramel
bug.man at bbsrc.ac.uk
Fri Oct 24 06:19:41 EDT 1997
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Subject: caterpillar identification GEHP
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This message is from Sharon Shomette <shomette at hotmail.com>, a amateur naturalist from Maryland, USA.
The first week of August I found a large caterpillar crossing the road on Skyline Drive in Virginia. The caterpillar was about 3 inches long (longer when it stretched out), very plump. It looked exactly like a Luna Moth larva, but instead of being green, it was a rosy maple color, with very short, sparse hairs scattered over the body, a ridge on the sides, and little red dots all over. I tried to find a food source for it, but couldn't get it to eat anything that any of the silk moths eat. The last food I tried was Birch leaves, and it made a cocoon by folding the birch leaves around itself. It remains in a glass jar outside on my back porch. I have photos of the caterpillar.
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