ID Moths of Hokkaido, Japan?

CQA03170@niftyse CQA03170 at
Sun Oct 26 16:09:00 EST 1997

Hi, Steve-San,

I am happy to know that you had a good time at Furano in Hokkaido and
 safely returned to your home in U.S. 
I would like to answer to your questions.

1) I guess this moth may be Rhodinia jankowskii(Oberthur). This moth
   has two subspecies, Rhodinia hattoriae Inoue and Rhodinia hokkaido-
   ensis Inoue. R.hattoriae is distributed in Honshu(Mainland of Japan)
   and  R.hokkaido-ensis in Hokkaido. Your moth is probably R.hokkaido-
   ensis. The Japanese name is Kurousutabiga. A single brooded.
   The foodplant is Phellodendron amurense Rupr. The moth is not so 
   common in Japan.

2) I have two candidates in mind. The one is Rhodinia fugax(Butler)
   if it has translucent spot on the sets of wings. The Japanese
   name is Usutabiga.
   The other may be Caligura jonasii Butler if it has red discal 
   eyespots on the wings. The Japanese name is Himeyamayu.
   The both moths are common in Japan.

3) The moth may be Catocala nupta(Linnaeus). The Japanese name is
   Ezoshiroshitaba. Not so rare.

Thank you.

Kayoko Nishihara
e-mail:CQA03170 at

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