Starting a Butterfly collection

Pierre le Roux arbor at
Tue Oct 28 17:56:44 EST 1997

Iday at
 gave the following advice:
>Advice 1) Get a general entomology textbook and read the part in it
>about collecting.  Very helpful.

>Advice 2) Go to local college/museum and find someone there who is
>studying insects.  Ask them for help.  Even better!

>Advice 3) Do a web search on "BioQuip" and you should come to a 
>company that sells insect equipment for amateurs (and professionals).

I'd also like to point out that an excellent in-depth treatment is 
given (though from a South African perspective, but still extremely 
usefull) by a booklet edited by Steven Woodhall and published by the 
South African Lepidopterist's Society. If anyone needs more info, 
please contact me - the booklet might no longer be available, but at 
$20  I thought it is excellent value.

Pierre le Roux Tel&Fax:+(27)-15-583-0084
P.O. Box 8
0929 Levubu
South Africa

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