net subterfuge

Thu Sep 4 18:22:24 EDT 1997

Dear collectors and anti-collectors,

Strangely enough, I started hiding my net 28 years ago because I was
occasionally hounded or beaten by other boys who thought butterfly
collecting was only for "pansies". I was persecuted endlessly for my
choice of hobby.

Later (but still a boy), collecting well outside of Yosemite National
Park, I was verbally assaulted by some gentleman who yelled at me that he
would call the "park ranger" if I continued "murdering butterflies". 

These and other incidents (I grew up in California, which has, I think, a
higher proportion of animal-rights activists than other states), led me to
maintain my discretion with my net.  I still have a tendency to drop the
net when a car suddenly whizzes past or I am surprised on a trail by
another hiker.  It is pretty much automatic at this point in my life.  

And it seems I am still persecuted for my choice of hobby.

Or will that be 'prosecuted'? 

P.S. I have never collected butterflies that were listed species, and have
never collected in National Parks or Monuments or Wildlife Refuges without
a permit.

--M. Wilson

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