Digital images
Neil Jones
Neil at
Sat Sep 20 08:49:15 EDT 1997
In message <Pine.OSF.3.96.970919232554.5661A-100000 at> fnkwp at writes:
> There have been a number of comments and queries recently about
> butterfly/moth images on web sites--but little or no discussion of how
> those images were produced.
> The brute-force method would be to take color photographs, and
> then either scan them, or make a photo-CD.
I prepared the pictures on my pages
by scanning prints. It is awkward particularly as like most butterfly
photographers I take slides. TO take prints I have tried a slide copier
whihc fits on the front of my camera and loaded the camera with print
film. The results are not always good as my local print shop is probably
better set up to deal with holiday snaps. I have also had individual prints
done from slides but this is expensive.
> This is awkward and time-
> consuming. I have become interested of late in more direct methods of
> digitizing butterflies, and have experimented with using an H-P color
> scanner to scan de-pinned spread specimens (which can work quite well),
> and with a digital camera with true macro capability that can photograph
> pinned specimens (approximately the same resolution across the specimen
> as the scanner). The scanner, of course, is limited to spread material--
> which may not interest some Leps-L members. The digital camera (with
> a 10 to 1 zoom lens) may also be capable of live butterfly photography
> to some extent--but that's not a current option in Fairbanks until next
> summer. :-)
It is worth remembering that if you are going to use the images for
web pages that you do not require a high resolution image. Indeed if
you make the reolution higher than that of a computer screen it is too high
as the resolution is wasted and adds to the download time.
Another option is to use a video camera. The images can then be digitised
into the computer and single frames treated in the same way as those from a
digital camera.
I have been using this method to sample checkerspot wing patterns.
Traditional photography is simply to slow to sample large numbers of specimens.
Incidentally collecting the specmens is not an option when you are working
with the Quino and Bay Checkerspots which are both federally protected
endangered species.
> I would be interested to know what methods others have tried
> (and with what success).
> Ken Philip
> fnkwp at
Neil Jones- Neil at "The beauty and genius of a work of art
may be reconceived, though its first material expression be destroyed; a
vanished harmony may yet again inspire the composer; but when the last
individual of a race of living things breathes no more another heaven and
another earth must pass before such a one can be again." William Beebe
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