'Endangered' Luna Moths

Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Tue Sep 23 08:17:10 EDT 1997

> I don't think we use MV lights for street light here (I could be
> wrong). You do get moths etc attracted to lights but not in any
> significant numbers to affect the breeding success. There have been
> worries about male Glow Worms being thrown off course by street lights
> in their hunt for glowing females.
> Cheers
> Chris R.

reminds one of the old song

Glow little glow worm, glimmer, glimmer
Out where the street lights shimmer, shimmer
baby you got no chance at all
you're just too effing small.

I wonder if that's why our lightning bugs have vanished. 
(actually, I know why. A long sad story having to do with lawn mowers, 
pesticides, herbicides and the heat death of the universe. What we need 
here is a good lawsuit with two pairs of pants. That's the Florida 
solution for everything.)
never mind
Anne Kilmer
South Florida

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