direct scanning of bugs

pageclan at pageclan at
Sun Sep 28 11:21:25 EDT 1997

In article <19970921183801.OAA25367 at>,
  gganweiler at (GGANWEILER) wrote:
> Re scanning direct from the bug on a flatbed ...
> I tried scanning in a moth (Feltia jaculifera) on the flatbed direct -
> with impressive results!  Simply put it in a unit tray, turned it upside
> down on the flatbed and fired.
>  The background is grey, but not bad at all!  A bit of manipulating with
> the software to brighten everything up and it was better (well, at least as
> good as) than a lot of the jpeg photos I have seen.  It is not as crisp as
> some other methods, but planty good enough for some applications.  For
> example, the images come out much better say many of the B&W images in
> Covell (the poorer darker issue), or the color plates in "Cutworms of
> Ontario and Quebec."
> Should be great for numerous applications .. and with a bit of
> experimentation it can probably be improved even more so.  Hey, I'm exited.
>  After spending yesterday photographing, waiting for developing and paying
> for same, coming home and scanning in photo's - I like what this can do.
> Thanks for the idea!!
> Gary Anweiler

Do you have some of these images that can be viewed at a website?

Barbara Page
pageclan at

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