Nymphalis feeding

Runar Krogen rkrogen at online.no
Sat Apr 4 09:54:20 EST 1998

I newly joined the list and want to say something about Nymphalis feeding
here in Norway. (I have noticed the earlier discussion).

I have seen one specimen N.antiopa visiting flowers here around. This
happened in spring, May 12.1990. It was feeding on Tussilago farfara
(Asteraceae). This species normally feed on treesap and fruit which is
rotten or fermented. Also Polygonia c-album does so, but this species are
more often seen on flowers of Asteraceae, mainly on thistles late
summer/autumn before hibernating. Aglais (Nymphalis) urticae feeds on

In California I have seen both P.gracilis zephyrus and P.faunus rusticus
feeding on flowers.

Runar, Norway.

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