monarchs in New Zealand

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Wed Apr 15 14:38:53 EDT 1998

Dr. James Adams wrote:
> > >There is some anecdotal evidence of migration from the North Island to a
> > >mountain range in the South Island for the butterflies to overwinter. As
> > far as I know, no overwintering site has been located. The evidence is only
> > from observed flight patterns.
> > I find this interesting, considering the mountains of the South Island are
> > certainly much colder during the winter than the northernmost sections of
> > the North Island.
> And, if true, would suggest a strong magnetic (as opposed to solar)
> cue used for migration.  Don't forget that the mountains in Mexico
> where monarchs overwinter are typically just a few degrees above
> freezing for much of the winter.
>         James

I think what they're looking for is a constant cool temperature, so they 
can slow down their systems; sort of a diapause? Like the ladybugs in 
Anne Kilmer 
South Florida

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