RFI: Painted Lady invasions

Patricia and Jeff Harding jmh at proaxis.com
Thu Apr 16 17:55:22 EDT 1998

Dan Thackaberry saw a painted lady (Vanessa cardui)
here in western Oregon yesterday, April 15, 1998

Morten Dewald Drogemuller Hansen wrote:

> Hi LEPS-netters
> What is the current status of the Painted Ladies, Vanessa cardui, in SW USA
> and in the Middle East? Are the butterflies still advancing towards N?
> Are there any sightings of Red Admirals in S Europe?
> Kind regards and thanks in advance
> ***************************************
> * Morten D.D. Hansen                  *
> * Dept. of Zoology                    *
> * Institute for Biological Sciences   *
> * University of Aarhus                *
> * DK-8000 Aarhus C                    *
> * Denmark                             *
> * e-mail: dd at mi.aau.dk                *
> * homepage: http://www.mi.aau.dk/~dd/ *
> ***************************************

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