Illustrated Checklist of MOTHS

Thomas, Tony tthomas at
Fri Apr 17 14:20:59 EDT 1998

	I am in the process of producing an electronic check list of the
"macromoths" of Atlantic Canada. This checklist will include 4 families that
are normally considered "micros" (Hepialidae, Sesiidae, Cossidae, and
Limacodidae). It is hoped to include a colour image of each species (pinned
	We are launching this checklist today with a list of 623 species, in
14 families, from Fundy National Park, New Brunswick, Canada. About 30
species are illustrated in colour. I hope to add species at the rate of
	For those of you familiar with my "Giant Silkmoth" site, this site
is now incorporated within the new site ("Moth Diversity in Fundy National
Park") under "Family Accounts". These family accounts will be illustrated
with images of living moths, both adults and larvae.
	The new addresses are:

for the English version, and 

for the French version.


Dr. A.W. Thomas
Research Scientist
Canadian Forest Service - Atlantic Forestry Centre
Natural Resources Canada
Fredericton, N.B.
E3B 5P7
 e-mail: tthomas at
'phone (506) 452-3523
FAX (506) 452-3525

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