Widespread New England immigrant.
Joe Kunkel
joe at bio.umass.edu
Sat Apr 25 21:03:12 EDT 1998
Lep Listers,
Help. I need an identification of an immigrant to the North American
continent. Since I only resumed looking at butterflies seriously in the
past year I am not aware of the ID of this butterfly which I have seen
and photographed frequently in the Amherst, MA area last year as well as
in the Portland, ME area. I am not sure how wide spread the intrusion
of this species is into the North American continent.
The butterfly is pictured at:
Please help me put a name under this intruder and tell me if it occurs
in your neighborhood. Are there any publications on its entry and
spread in North America. Is it as intrusive on other continents?
This species reaches a peak of abundance in the first half of August
competing for top abundance on my butterfly walk.
Joseph G. Kunkel, Professor
Biology Department
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
joe at bio.umass.edu
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