
Mark Walker mwalker at
Sat Aug 15 16:10:27 EDT 1998

It's a bit hard to believe that a 90 degree Farenheit day with 80% humidity
would be classified as a nice day, but the way things have been going up
here in northern New England, it is well received.

Yesterday was so unusually nice, that I had to take the day off.

To my great pleasure, the butterflies abound.  At one location off of a dirt
road near Lake Hortonia, Rutland Co., Vermont, I counted over 20 individuals
of Euphydryas phaeton (Baltimore Checkerspot), most nectaring on Milkweed.
Along with these stunning butterflies, I enjoyed watching over 12
individuals of Nymphalis milberti (Milbert's Tortoiseshell), also nectaring
on Milkweed.  On some buds, there were as many as 6 butterflies.  Also on
the Milkweed were several individuals of Satyrium sp. (Hairstreaks), with S.
edwardsii (Edwards) and S. calanus (Banded) being the two identified.

Also noted:

Coral Hairstreak
Eastern Tailed Blue
Common Wood Nymph
Atlantis Fritillary
Eastern Comma
Cabbage White
Clouded Sulpher
Orange Sulpher
Northern Pearl Crescentspot
Red Admiral
Little Wood Satyr (badly tattered)
and a few European-like Skippers

The Baltimore's were especially satisfying.  I've never seen so many in one
location before.

Mark Walker.
Enjoying the heat in Vermont.

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