Endangered Butterflies - Alaska to Chiapas

Doug stelenes at pobox.com
Fri Aug 7 00:59:31 EDT 1998

Hi fellow enthusiasts,

Lately I've become very interested in the conservation of butterfly diversity,
and would very much appreciate your e-mailing (to the list or privatly to me,
however you are comfortable) any and every tidbit of information regarding:

(1) Species and subspecies of butterflies in danger of extinction in this
region, their current status and what has led to the crisis;
(2) Species and subspecies in danger of elimination from significant or disjoint
parts of their ranges in the region and what the causal factors are.
(3) Any interesting anecdotes on endangered butterflies of the region you might

While there are plenty of good butterfly texts out there for the US and Canada,
(I have all the recent ones), most are dated, and a little repetition wouldn't
hurt.  The info I receivewill be used to see how I might help conservation
efforts.  Also it would be great to understand the "big picture" overall of what
real diversity risks are out there and what actually being done about them.  I
can send you a summary of what I compile, if you e-mail me at stelenes at pobox.com

Thanks kindly!  Doug.
Douglas David Dawn
Visit Botanical Exploration, 1820's style:
N.  25º 37.408'
W. 100º 22.003'
Altitude 910 meters
Sylvania Pinus-Quercus

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