
Neil Jones Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
Fri Aug 7 14:42:19 EDT 1998

In message < at email.psu.edu> John Grehan writes:
> Some responses to Neil Jones (made in the spirit of open discussion and not
> intended to be disrespectful of any individuals)
> >As far as a creator is concerned to quote Occam's Razor
> > "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem."
> > Entities should not be multiplied more than is necessary.
> >A creator isn't necessary for the system to work.
> The statement that a creator isn't necessary for the system to work is, as
> far as I am aware, not an empirical statement, but a statement of faith.
> Occam's razor is basically a propaganda tool. What is most parsimonous is
> determined by the intellectual paradigm one inhabits.

I cannot see how this is so.
We have heard about Genetic Algorithms earlier in the discussion.
There is also a system called Tierra which was specifically set up
to mimic a recominbatory genetic system.
As this is a computer system if follows that it is possible to
derive a description of its operation using mathematics.
Tierra exibited evolution of the genetic systems which it contained.
Since we can have a mathemetical model of the system if follows that,
if properly constructed,the model will predict the behaviour of the
system and that therefore evolutionary behaviour is a fundamental property
of this system.
Since the computer system was designed to function as an analogue
of the DNA based systems in living cells it follows that the
mathematical models should, possibly with some amendment, apply
to the DNA system.
Mathematics therefore shows that evolutionary behaviour is a 
fundamental property of such systems.
All this has been demonstrated without reference to the "entity"
of a creator. 

Neil Jones- Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk http://www.nwjones.demon.co.uk/
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve

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