are they parasitized?

lday at lday at
Sat Aug 8 23:53:55 EDT 1998

Two of the hundreds of promethea moth larvae I raised did not turn into moths.
Instead, they are in a paper bag on my porch, where they look sort of sick, 
but refuse to die.  They've been there for 2 weeks since all their siblings
became moths.  They still squirm, but can't walk - it's almost like they're 
prepupae, but then they never pupate.
One is turning a revolting translucent grey, while the other is still green
and normally colored.  I would just toss them, but my curiosity has gotten 
the better of me.

Are they maybe parasitized?  Or what?   What disgusting creature might emerge
from them?  I hope the paper bag keeps it contained...  


Liz Day   
LDAY at 
Indianapolis, Indiana, central USA - 40 N latitude, zone 5.

Home of Tweeter-Boinger (parakeet), the pink inchworm (Eupithecia miserulata), 
the late Gertrude, fattest regal moth ever, 5 iris borers, and a faltering 
gesneriad collection.

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