ID Needed

Charles V. Covell Jr. cvcove01 at
Sun Aug 9 15:51:41 EDT 1998

Dear May (burro at  Please be sure to indicate where you
saw the butterfly. Your e-mail address does not make that clear.
  It sounds more like an aberration of some type rathern than a hybrid.
  We are having a swallowtail (E. Tiger, esp.) outbreak in this area,
Kentucky, and I have seen some an interesting black female with some
yellow streaking on the HW.  I think butterfly numbers will be high for
fall, as the whole season seems one to two weeks early this year.  I
finally saw my second monarch the other day in our back yard garden, and
have 21 species for the year there so far.  How are the rest of you all
doing on sightings? 
  I think Kentucky stole all of Texas's rainfall this summer!  Sorry;
but hope you can recover moisture soon.
  Cheers, Charlie

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