Need help ID'ing this caterpillar
jtuttle at
Sun Aug 9 16:38:58 EDT 1998
Vincep wrote:
> I have two of these little fellers munching on a Plum tree
> in my front yard (at least, I THINK it's a Plum tree... ?)
> They're about 2.5 - 3 inches long...
> Anyone have any ideas? They're not threatening the
> tree, at this point, so I'm inclined to wait and see what
> they'll turn into.
> picture at:
> (Please reply on NG or to "vpearman (at) netcom (dot) com")
> Thanks!
> -Vince in Eldersburg, Maryland.
The picture is of Antheraea polyphemus, a member of the giant silk moth
family (Saturniidae). The larva will soon spin a tough cocoon.. I can
not be sure if the pupa will spend the entire winter in the cocoon of
the adult moth will emerge in a couple of weeks.
Jim Tuttle
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