Rare butterfly (do your research)

Pierre A Plauzoles ae779 at lafn.org
Mon Aug 10 13:16:06 EDT 1998

In a previous article, Pavulaan at aol.com () says:

>Regarding the advertisement for Leudorfia chinensis in an e-mail post from
>China, Mark Jackson wrote: "So go get him, and shut up!"  


>I could not have said it better myself!  Thanks Mark.  
>If you are bothered by people selling butterflies on Leps-L, just ignore the
>messages.  They will do it anyway, and I have no objection.  Free speech
>prevails in this country.  

Correction: rather than saying "I have no objection," you should have 
said, "most of us have very little or no objection."  Whooppee.  Minor 

>Any more comments, check the CITES site, and read up on the law first.

Excellent idea.  Problem is, many people jsut spout and sputter forth 
without doing their homework first - and, no matter how much we or others 
admonish them, "they will do it anyway."  Sorry to throw your very words 
right back at you like that, but isn't it the truth?
Pierre Plauzoles   ae779 at lafn.org
Canoga Park, California

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