Noctua Pronuba

Joseph G. Kunkel joe at
Wed Aug 12 09:21:17 EDT 1998

I think I originated the _N. pronuba_ post thread.  I had spent a year
in 1993-94 in Woods Hole MA and, using a light trap, found that _N.
pronuba_ was the most common moth in the trap (10-20 per night in a
Robinson trap).  I found it highly abundant by light trap in Amherst MA
in following years and now it is reasonably common but not abundant (0-2
per night in a Robinson trap).  I think there was an outbreak phenomenon
working in that 93-95 span.  Has anyone else seen _N. pronuba_ in
outbreak numbers?
Mike, what type of trap/collection site were you using?

Mike Soukup wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
>         I recall a post last year about the southward migration of
> Noctua Pronuba in North America.  I don't know if anyone cares or keeps
> track.  But, this summer, I have caught N. pronuba this year in 4
> counties in Maryland and one in PA - including my first specimen at my
> house in Anne Arundle Co., MD last night.

Joe Kunkel, Professor
Biology Department, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
joe at

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