Butterflies of Canada - hard to buy?

Semjase semjase at aol.com
Sun Aug 16 16:47:36 EDT 1998

This happens occasionally because the people putting out the book want an idea
of the demand to determine how many copies to make.  They advertise before a
page has been printed and of course you wait and wait and wait.  It is not just
a Canadian thing at all.

S.>I'va had a copy of the new "Butterflies of Canada" on order since late
>December, 1997, and it has yet to arrive. The problem may be that I placed
>the order through a small independent bookseller. It has been on the
>shelves at "Chapters", a huge chain dealer, since the spring, but I'm not
>interested in buying anything from them.
>I would be interested to know if other Canadians have had notable success
>(or difficulty) buying this book through an independent bookseller.
>Peter Payzant
>Halifax, NS

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