
Semjase semjase at
Wed Aug 19 21:14:04 EDT 1998

>I have caterpillars on some fennel I am growing.  This is the third bunch. 
>I teach school and would love to take these marvelous creatures and let my
>students watch them metamorphosize.  Would I damage them if I did this and
>what else besides the fennel could I feed them?  What would be the safest
>way to do this and ensure their safety and survival?   I believe they are
>either Tiger Swallowtail or Black Swallowtail.  The caterpillar is yellow
>and black striped and gets about 1.5 inches long.  They are voracious
>eaters.  They have orange antenna looking things that poke out if you touch
>Please respond to my e-mail      laelliott at
>Thank You.
>Leigh Anne Elliott
I don't see how the use as a classroom demonstration would hurt them as long as
the larvae/butterflies are not touched.

They are Black Swallowtails and will eat carrot tops, Queen Anne's Lace, Dill
etc but do not change the food plant once you start them on one.



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