Phoebis sennae in Washington, DC

Rob Hilton robert at
Mon Aug 24 11:15:44 EDT 1998

Hi there, 

On Sunday August 23, mid morning, a Cloudless Sulfur (Sulphur) (Phoebis
sennae) flew by me at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens in Washington, DC, heading

I am a very casual butterfly watcher, a keen birder, and the larger and
less brown a butterfly is, the more I pay attention to it.  This is the
second P. sennae I've noted inside the Capital Beltway in my 23 years of
birding.  The first was two years ago on Labor Day.  I am quite positive
about this identification, as I see this butterfly every year on the
Mid-Atlantic coast.  

Other butterflies present there were Monarch, Viceroy, Tiger Swallowtail.
Also about 5 species of Odonata (I don't know their names).  


Rob Hilton
robert at
bethesda, md.  

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