Phoebis sennae

Hank Brodkin hankb at
Tue Aug 25 11:19:04 EDT 1998

Dale Clark wrote:

> Have been reading with interest the recent postings regarding Phoebis
> sennae movements.  Here in north Texas there have been very few Phoebis
> sennae all summer -- and they are usually one of the most common
> butterflies.  Haven't seen a single one in my backyard and less than a
> dozen "out in the field" all year.  Very unusual, but then the whole
> year has been strange due to the extremely dry conditions.

Here in SE Arizona P. sennae are having their usually large flight into our
area from Mexico that come with the summer "monsoons".Hoping for something
unusual accompanying them - but so far only some Boisduval's Yellow (Eurema
boisduvalianum).  We would be interested in hearing of any other influx
species seen in our area.

             Hank Brodkin, Carr Canyon,
                     Cochise County, Arizona
          31.45N, 110.27W
           send mailto:hankb at

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