Dainty Sulfur--Nathalis iole + So. Calif. Report

Wanda Dameron be496 at lafn.org
Tue Aug 25 23:12:15 EDT 1998

The rare Dainty Sulfur has mysteriously appeared in So. Cal. this
summer. We had at least 4 along Hwy 2 in the San Gabriel Mts a few weeks
ago and another yesterday near the so. Ventura County coast.   

Our spring butterflies were late with most quantities rather low, 
though some species, i.e. the Behr's Hairstreak, in unusual abundance
when they finally did arrive!  The summer butterflies seem to be pretty
much back to normal in variety and quantities with at least 25 species
per day three weeks ago at various sites when squiring around a visiter.
The uncommon American Lady - Vanessa virginiensis and Red Admiral - V.
atalanta have been seen considerably oftener than usual.     

Wanda Dameron, Los Angeles
LANABA, Lorquin, Xerces, Lep Societies
Flutterby Press  (BF checklists, book "Finding in So. Cal." etc.)

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