Livestock available (non HTML version !)

Barrie Harwood Barrie.Harwood at
Sat Aug 29 13:38:33 EDT 1998

I have the following livestock available now.

Orders can be placed by eMail but I would be grateful for payment before
dispatch unless you are already known to me!

Prices below are for 15 ova or larvae as available.

Giant Atlas (A. atlas)                  £3.50 (Privet, Lilac, Ailanthus)
Golden Emperor (L. katinka)   £3.50 (Boston Ivy, Virginia Creeper, Grape

Also have the following pupae available (price for each pupae)

Broad Bordered Bee Hawkmoth (H. fuciformis)    £2.50
Zigzag Emperor (G. tyrrhea)                                        £3.25
Chinese Oak silkmoth (dark form - A. hartii)            £2.50

In all cases, postage and packing on any quantity is £1.00 (UK) - other
countries at cost!

I will buy any quantity of almost any species you have to offer (from just 1
or 2 pupae to hundreds - butterflies and moths!). Please get in touch with

Contact me at:

Barrie Harwood
White Lodge
Charlton Musgrove
Somerset BA9 8EZ

'Phone +44 1963 32674   (01963 32674 in UK)
eMail Barrie.Harwood at

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