H. gloveri cocoons and ova for 1999

Patrick Marceau lepsjournal at sympatico.ca
Sun Aug 30 18:40:16 EDT 1998

Cocoons available will be limited to H.gloveri @ $8.00 each, add $5.00
postage for orders under 12 cocoons  

Here is a list of possible ova for spring/summer 1999 Other species
available on special request
                                                          Price per dozen
including postage 
Automeris pamina                                      $5.50  
Antherea polyphemus                                 $5.50
Actias luna                                                $5.50
Hylophora cecropia                                     $5.50
Pachysphinx occidentalis                           $8.00
Hylophora euryalis                                      $8.00
Hylophora gloveri columbia                          $8.00
Hylophora gloveri                                        $8.00
Hybrid Hylophora species upon request        $10.00
Eupakardia calletta                                     $10.00 
Eacles oslari                                               $10.00
Citheronia splendens                                   $10.00
Antherea oculea                                          $10.00
Sphingicampa hubbardi                                $10.00
Sphingicampa montana                               $10.00 

Scott Smith,
P.O. Box 160278
Clearfield,Utah 84016
e-mail morpho at inconnect.com
Phone/Fax 801-771-0800
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