New Moth WWW Resource

John Snyder John.Snyder at
Mon Aug 31 10:24:31 EDT 1998

I am pleased to advertise the existence of a new electronic resource for
people interested in the moths of North America.  I have put together a
site titled "Web Images  of North American Moth Species" whose address is

It is a first attempt to utilize the web to provide  visual images of the
larvae (caterpillars) and
adults that exist in the region covered by the Hodges checklist.  Rather
than being the actual
repository of these images, it is simply a list of all available images,
with links to them for
easy access.  I have arranged the list in the same order as found in the
Hodges checklist; that is,
in logical taxonomic sequence.  It can be searched by family,
genus/species, or by common
English name (where available).

Although I have used an efficient web-searching tool (Hotbot), and have
searched for each
genus on the Hodges checklist, the resulting list provides images of only
about 5% of the
known North American species.  Obviously, those of us with images and the
ability to
place them on the web still have a long way to go.  Nevertheless, "Web
 of North American Moth Species" is probably the most comprehensive source
for such
images at the present time.  I solicit your aid in identifying addresses of
 additional images
and in providing those images yourself.

Try this new resource, and let me know how to improve it.

John Snyder
Dept. of Biology
Furman University
Greenville, SC 29613
john.snyder at

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