Butterflies - Cochise County, Arizona

Hank Brodkin hankb at theriver.com
Mon Aug 31 15:53:16 EDT 1998

Over the last three days we put a small pond in our back yard near the
bottom of Carr Canyon in the Huachucas.  The wet concrete attracted a
lot of butterflies - raising our yard list to 68 since we moved to this
house in June.
Interesting species added included: Rita Blue (Euphilotes rita), Mexican
Fritillary (Euptoieta hegesia), Theona Checkerspot (Thessalia theona),
and most interesting for us skipper lovers - Sheep Skipper (Atrynopsis
edwardsi (ovinia).

             Hank Brodkin, Carr Canyon,
                     Cochise County, Arizona
          31.45N, 110.27W
           send mailto:hankb at theriver.com

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