2nd RFD for uk.rec.lepidoptera

Chris Raper triocomp at dial.pipex.com
Wed Dec 2 05:18:29 EST 1998

On Tue, 01 Dec 1998 17:20:53 GMT, peter at wppltd.demon.co.uk (Peter
Parry) wrote:

Hi Peter.

>I wasn't commenting on this or other parts of your argument as they
>is outside my experience, just the difficulty of usenet access and
>why it appears to be so specific here yet not elsewhere.
>Are there that many people who only have Internet e-mail access and
>nothing else?  It seems unlikely.

Mmm - well, as I understand it the LEPS-L list server is very well
used and I am assured by people who have more experience in this field
that it is common practice for sys.admins to restrict access to email
only for a majority of their staff - where the service is provided by
an employer or university. 

I have no personal experience of university policies but from talking
with friend of mine they can be pretty restrictive. Certainly
companies I have dealt with at work seem paranoid that their staff are
going to be either wasting time surfing the net or downloading vast
amounts of net-porn. Very few (if any) of our customers (small to
medium sized businesses) would allow their staff to have unrestricted
Usenet or Web access.

>Acting a bit as Devils advocate the converse of that is that
>newsgroups are much easier to find than mailing lists for the

True. Which is why we (UK lepidoperists) should perhaps try and
promote the LEPS-L and s.b.e.l groups in entomological magazines &

>I think if this aspect of your argument is to stand up it could do
>with some facts to support it.

Probably - but I also have to hold down a job here and make sure I
don't abuse the privilage that my employer has given me by spending
more time investigating than working! :-)

Also, would you ask the same of the people who are _for_ the group? So
far I haven't seen many facts to support their argument that a) there
is a large enough audience for this group and b) it will promote UK
lepidoptera discussion better than a more friendly FAQ in s.b.e.l or a
few well written pieces in lepidoptera related magazines & journals.

Best wishes,
Chris R.

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