newsgroup uk.rec.lepidoptera and BCNews

martin Warren buttcon at
Wed Dec 2 08:21:37 EST 1998

D.P.Howson stated - 

'Perhaps we should now turn to devising some positive ideas to persuade
more people to take to this medium. In the UK could Butterfly Conservation, 
for example, run a regular column in its News giving interesting snippets 
from lep line? Plus a mention on how to join? I notice they have already 
run items on the Internet'.

The previous editor of BC News occasionally mentioned snippets from this  
and possibly other lists. The idea of a regular column is a good one which I think 
the present editor and colleagues would consider very seriously.  Does anyone 
out there wish to take on the task?  All the present staff such as myself are 
a little luddite in our approach to all this new technology!

Any responses to BC direct at buttcon at and FAO Nigel

Nigel Bourn
Butterfly Conservation


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