Two be(formed) or not two be . UK
Dr Ian Dunn
ianadunn at
Wed Dec 2 13:32:31 EST 1998
UK based , amateur , member of Butterfly Conservation with one
posting to my credit to date .
Firstly all of you who kindly encourgaed my ramblings , thank you . This body
of people has a very warm feel to it . I hope to contribute more as the
season gets underway next year . ( It's on the chilly side here today .)
I've only been loose on the WWW for about a year so when I saw the suggestion
of a Leps group ( not knowing of this one ) I was very interested . I'm still
quite excited about the WWW , the novelty hasn't worn off yet . I'm using
a RISC PC to access the net via ANT Suite and I find a simple search points
the way to this group . So if I had thought about it I could have been
lurking here for months :-)
I would suggest that the new UK audience uses this group , with the UK prefix
perhaps and we see what happens next .
I see no reason why we ( feel one of family already !! ) couldn't regularly
post to say the Conservation , Bird Watching groups etc to alert new folk
to the existence of this group .
I look forward to a winter of lurking warmly in the active parts of the
world .
Dr Ian Dunn mailto ianadunn at
Moir Medical Centre Regent St Long Eaton
Nottingham NG10 1JX
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