Moths in Tasmania

Miguel de Salas mm_de at
Thu Dec 3 16:52:33 EST 1998

For those out there interested in some trivia, I've caught the following
larger moths in the last couple of months:
   Antheraea helena (Saturniidae) both males and females
   Spilosoma glatingyi (Arctiidae) both males and females
   2 other unidentified arctiids only males
   Clorochroma dichloraria (Geometridae) both sexes
   Oenochroma vinaria only females
   Several other unidentified large geometrids both sexes

   Anthela ocellata (Antheliade) only females
   Anthela acuta (Anthelidae) both sexes
   Several unidentified and undescribed anthelids, all males

   Dasypodia selenophora (Noctuidae) ?
   Several other noctuids both sexes

   Two unidentified lasiocampid species, all males
   An unidentified notodontid species

I don't usually bother about the smaller species.


Miguel de Salas,

mm_de at

School of Pland Science
University of Tasmania, Australia

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