Strange Oviposition
SK Khew
khewsk at
Sun Dec 6 20:16:56 EST 1998
A fellow-lepidopterist was pruning a small lime bush when a Papilio
demoleus malayanus fluttered by. He froze with his hand holding on to
the stalk of the plant whilst the butterfly explored the plant for a
place to lay her eggs.
She ended up laying an egg on my friend's watch face!
Looks like butterflies would lay eggs on anything/anyone which is close
enough to the host plant for the young caterpillars to reach.
Just thought I'd share something from Asia after the big UK-US debate.
>Subject: Re: Gulf Fritillaries and strange oviposition
>Reply-To: MYTZ14A at
>X-Sender: newsgate at
>X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.2 -- ListProc(tm) by CREN
>I have heard of gulf fritillaries laying eggs on a wall a vine was
>to reach by the time the egg hatched. But I have never heard of one
>laying an egg on another animal. You must be special!
Butterflies of Singapore :
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