More Late Ontario Sightings/Passing of Ken Brugger
Donald A. Davis
donald.davis at
Tue Dec 15 03:06:25 EST 1998
Temperatures continue to fluctuate greatly in Southern Ontario and as a
result, there are more late leps sightings.
On Sunday, December 13th, record late sightings of eastern comma and
orange sulpher were made at Point Pelee National Park near Windsor,
Ontario. This is the southern most point of Canada, and is on a latitude
with northern California.
Sorry to read of the passing of Ken Brugger in Austin, Texas. You may
recall seeing Ken's picture in the August 1976 issue of National
Geographic, in the cover story written by Dr. Fred Urquhart. Ken and his
wife travelled the mountains of Mexico to find the overwintering sites
of the monarch butterfly. Ken's wife appears on the cover of this issue.
Apparently the Saturday, December 12th New York Times carried an
obituary. Ken died in late November. Fortunately, we had the opportunity
to talk on the telephone for the first time just a few months ago.
Don Davis
Toronto, ON
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