DK Nymphalis antiopa update

Nigel Venters venters at
Sat Dec 12 05:49:21 EST 1998

I have bred this species in Southern England for a few years now, and as
you know antiopa is a rare migrant here that can't establish permanent
breeding populations. The climate where I live (Near Southampton) is of wet
very mild winters (snow is a rarity!) and variable summers, some wet but
increasingly some hot and dry. The main problems I have had to face with
this species are 1. The lava are very susceptable to viral disease when the
weather is wet, resulting in 100% losses, when sleeved outside on growing
foodplant. 2. I always need to keep some in a greenhouse to ensure I have
breeding stock. 3. The adults overwintering are less of a problem but belts
of very mild weather throughout autumn and winter continually break
diapause, the adults then use energy with nothing to replace it (no food
available). I have found adults sealed in plastic box the fridge is the
most reliable method to overwinter. (example mild today 12th Dec, lowest
night temperature 10C, day max expected 15C)
Hope this is of interest
Nigel Venters

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