2nd RFD for uk.rec.lepidoptera

Nemesis Bill_Jillians at Compuserve.Com
Sat Dec 19 21:29:39 EST 1998

In <914072062snz at nwjones.demon.co.uk>, voter Neil Jones
<Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk> licked his masters arses thus:
>In article <75eqbm$16e$1 at newnews.global.net.uk>
>           mervyn97 at yahoo.com "Sean Danischevsky" writes:
>> er, I have two questions.  First is, how come you're going through this
>> lengthy referendum procedure when other people just create them (usually
>> idiotic names like alt.bin.erotic.sux.log.lengthyname ?
>> The second is, what is a lepidoptera?
>> Sean
>Lepidoptera is plural. Lepidoptera are butterflies and moths.
>It is the tecnical term and due to one of the oddities of the
>English language the only word we have to describe them both.
>The word comes from ancient Greek Lepis= a Scale and Pteron
>= a wing

Butterfly people .... if you want to have a uk.*.butterfly group you
comply !

I don't make the rules .. I am telling you what they are.

The committee, I am sure, will not welcome a butterfly group under any
other circumstances and if you wish to give them an excuse not to award
you it ... you have.

Dunno?: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/bill_jillians/abuse.htm
>  I guess you were right when you talked through the heat. There's no <
>  room for the weak ... no room for the weeeaakkk.. /    Joy Division <
>  THIS IS THE ROOM ... THE START OF IT ALL.        / Day of the Lords <

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