To lurk or not to lurk. . .

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Tue Dec 22 19:12:41 EST 1998

Hey, I said I was sorry. And your indignation at the accusation
indicates that you would have been right there throwing stones had the
shoe been on the other foot. And besides ... yes, yes, I know you're
Merry Christmas, happy holidays, glorious Hanukkah and a satisfying
Ramadan to whoever celebrates (ah yes, Kwanzaa) solstice revelry and
midwinter merriment. 
Anybody happen to know what happens if the mistletoe is male, showering
pollen on the revelers? I mean I have all these innocent granddaughters
Anne Kilmer
South Florida

Mike Quinn wrote:
> >Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 03:40:45 -0800
> >From: kalos2 at (Daniel L Robinson)
> >
> >Anne Kilmer is another lepper who should be commended for
> >her delightful ways of sharing so much good information.
> Are we talking about the same Anne Kilmer who tried to rake me over the
> coals for having collected a Urania moth without a permit, when in reality
> the moth was a road kill?!       ;-)
> Sorry Anne, I couldn't resist. Merry Christmas to all. Mike
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Michael A. Quinn, Texas A&M University,  <mqnature at>
> K-12 Insect Site: (Now Faster)

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