Hetaera esmeralda
S.G. Sinnema
m.sinnema at pi.net
Sat Jan 3 08:18:15 EST 1998
Jos.SALENTINY wrote:
> I search information ( picture ) of Hetaera esmeralda
Hi Jos
My mother has got many books about butterflies.
The first one I inspected showed me a photo of
"Cithaerias esmeralda". I know that different people
put the same species in different families
(Hetaera/Cithaerias), so I think you were looking
for this butterfly. I'm sorry for the Moiree.
The only information I can give now is that esmeralda
lives in South/Middle America.
M. Sinnema
m.sinnema at pi.net
Our homepage about butterflies:
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