Early UK sightings
Martin Hough
mothman at vossnet.co.uk
Mon Jan 19 03:23:01 EST 1998
All the other sightings hibernate as adults. I didn't think the Comma did so- am I wrong?
Simon Coombes wrote in message <01bd2449$4a5d8f60$17a563c3 at simonc>...
Hi all
In Cornwall and Devon last weekend (10 Jan. particularly) there was a large amount of butterflies on the wing, some people were reporting seeing 6 or so at a time in places. Red admirals, Vanessa atalanta were numerous (due perhaps to a mild winter), a number of Peacocks Inachis io and Small tortoiseshells, Aglais urticae and also a pair of Brimstones Gonepteryx rhamni which I believe is the earliest record this century.
There were no Commas, Polygonia c-album, reported, did any one spot one?
Simon Coombes
3 Valletort Place
Pl1 3SP
01752 260633
E-mail simonc at captain.ndirect.co.uk
Some European butterfly pictures
Currently c60 images, an account of the butterflies of Tenerife, and a small section for NW France.
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