Lepidoptera software

SBSP sbsp at aol.com
Thu Jan 22 12:21:26 EST 1998

LepiList is an inexpensive Windows database program that lets you record the
location, date, and circumstances in a note of up to 5000 words, for all your
sightings or collections of butterflies and moths. Then it puts the information
at your fingertips by letting you produce any number of taxonomically ordered
lists or annual lists for the whole world, the major world faunal zones, many
regions or areas such as North America or Europe or Africa, a number of
important islands or island groups, every nation in the world, every state or
province or county of each nation, and any area specified by latitude and
longitude or by name. These lists can show the details of every
sighting/collection of each species/subspecies, or just the names of the
species/subspecies that you have seen/collected. You can also list the
sightings/collections in all locations of any species/subspecies, list in
chronological order all butterfly trips taken or the first
sightings/collections of all species/subspecies, tabulate population surveys
like 4th of July counts, etc., etc.

LepiList knows the common and scientific names and taxonomical order of each of
the more than 700 species/subspecies on the checklist published by the North
American Butterfly Association. You can incorporate any future changes in the
names or taxonomy of this checklist. When you do, all sightings/collections
previously recorded are automatically brought into agreement with the new
checklist (except for a species/subspecies split, where some input from you is
required). And you can add to LepiList, in taxonomical order, the names of
moths you have seen/collected in North America or of butterflies and moths you
have seen/collected elsewhere. The program is able to accomodate more than
10000 species/subspecies!

For more information about LepiList visit our Web site


where you will also find out how to request a free copy of LepiLexi, a utility
that can add to the spelling checker of almost any word processor the
scientific names of all North American butterflies. If you cannot visit the
site information about both LepiList and LepiLexi can be sent to you by e-mail.

Santa Barbara Software Products
1400 Dover Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93103 USA
Phone/Fax: 805 963 4886
E-Mail: sbsp at aol.com

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