how release larvae? dispersal?
lday at
lday at
Wed Jul 1 01:18:53 EDT 1998
Hi all...
I want to release my promethea moth larvae (~100). I'm trying to get
out of rearing so I can have a life again. But I'm having trouble doing it.
They are eating wild cherry. I went to a large nature preserve nearby,
(larvae are from local stock) and tried to put the larvae onto cherry trees
there. I wanted to put just a few on each tree, so they would be spread out,
so some bird wouldn't find and eat them all.
But there were big problems. 1) I couldn't pull the larvae off the leaf they
were already on, to put them on the tree leaf, without damaging them. So I
ended up tying little leaf/twig pieces onto the trees with thread, which is
VERY time-consuming. 2) I couldn't find enough cherry trees with reachable
branches. I only covered a small proportion of the preserve, but the rest
may not be any better.
Is there a good way to put out these larvae? Caring for them is a pain,
but I don't have all day to walk around setting them out either. I would
just give them to people instead, but I really do want to put some back in
the wild after all the moths I've taken out.
Is it important how dispersed they are? Does it matter if I put them all
on the lower limbs? Would it be easier to wait til they're cocoons and
just tie the cocoons to random branches throughout the preserve?
I could really use some information or help... it might save me a lot of
time and worry.
Liz Day
(and Tweeter-Boinger, parakeet)
(and about 100 4th-instar promethea... they eat like hogs and they haven't
even reached their "Sherman's march" stage yet <8-()
Indianapolis, Indiana, central USA - 40 N latitude, zone 5.
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