unknown butterfly

Chris Raper triocomp at dial.pipex.com
Fri Jul 3 11:22:36 EDT 1998

On Fri, 03 Jul 1998 17:04:48 +0200, Ferdi <cogelog at wanadoo.fr> wrote:

>the last February I found an
>unknown butterfly in Guyane. Is there someone to help me to identify it?
>I have a picture at this adress :

Hi Ferdi

Very nice. 

My first impressions would say that they are both moths (the antennae
appear to lack any club) but I'm not good enough at South American
moths to be able to say which family they are from. They are
presumably day-flying as they appear to be mimicing butterflies of the
family Ithomiidae, genus Oleria.

Good luck.
Chris R.

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