mourning cloak hosts

Semjase semjase at
Fri Jul 3 21:06:20 EDT 1998

>>Here in east Tennessee we find Mourning cloaks most frequently used
>>foodplant is Celtis sp.  They are rarely seen on any other host plant.
>>I have gotten specimens for AZ which would not touch any other foodplant
>>other than Salix.  So it appears are regional host relationships. 
>>These are just some observations I have made over the past few years.
>Thanks, I'll add this information to my database. So far, it seems correct
>that elm and Celtis (also an Ulmaceae) are only used regularly in the
>south. Do you happen to know if nettle (Urtica) or hops (Humulus) are ever
>natural host plants? And one more thing: if you would get your hands on an
>egg batch of antiopa from Tennesee at some point I would be very much
>interested in including this poulation in our survey of potential host
>plants for species of Polygonia, Nymphalis and relatives. We use a range of
>host plants used in this group: Urtica, Ulmus, Humulus, Salix, Betula,
>Ribes, Prunus, Vaccinium, and check which ones newly hatched larvae can
>survive on to pupation. So far we have tested larvae of about 25 species of
>butterflies in this clade (Nymphalini) clade, and two different populations
>of antiopa (Sweden and Washington). The latter two were exactly similar,
>thriving on Salix and Betula, surviving on Ulmus and to some extent Urtica
>and Humulus. It would be interesting to compare this pattern with larvae
>from SE USA, so think of me if you see a female looking ready to oviposit! 
>Best regards
>Soren Nylin
>Lecturer/Associate Professor of Animal Ecology
>Coordinator of graduate courses in Ecology, Ethology and Evolution
>Department of Zoology
>Stockholm University
>S-106 91 Stockholm
>Soren.Nylin at
>Tel +46-8-164033	Fax 167715

Hi Soren:

They thrive in S. California on various elms and willow.  Wish I could send you
something but there isn't anything available.  I have also seen them do well on
elm and willow in the Chicago area.  Well for what its worth anyway.



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