Rare Butterfly from China

Pierre A Plauzoles ae779 at lafn.org
Thu Jul 9 01:19:13 EDT 1998

In a previous article, Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk (Neil Jones) says:

>In article <199807080753.PAA14068 at info.hz.zj.cn>
>           Use-Author-Address-Header@[127.1] "Dao Lu" writes:
>>   I am a small Collector of butterfly , lived in china . 
>>   I have a rare butterfly ( Formal name : " Luehdorfia chinensis Leech " ),Its
>>  wing's veins like tiger , and Its producing area only in China. 
>>   Do anyone can tell me where I can find some collectors or dealers who
>>  interested in buy the Chinese butterfly ?
>> Please go to "" for photo of the
>>  butterfly .
>> ( Sorry for my bad English )
>> Thank you very much !
>> Dao Lu E-Mail : "gold-china at bigfoot.com"
>I am a little concerned about this posting. The information that I have been
>able to find on this species of butterfly indicates that it is listed
>in the International Red Data book.
>I do not think that the commercial trade in rare/endangered species should
>be encouraged across the internet. 
>This is not an attempt to restart the collecting debate.
>I hope people will realise that Red Data book species are a subject
>of particular concern.

... and, in more than a few countries, the subject of confiscatory action(s) 
on the part of customs and/or police, to say nothing of prosection of 
violators by the local game warden - or whoever concerns him/herself with 
regulations covering arthropods.
Pierre Plauzoles   ae779 at lafn.org
Canoga Park, California

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