Swallowtails eggs

Semjase semjase at aol.com
Fri Jul 10 11:08:56 EDT 1998

>What do black and anise swallowtails eggs look like ?
>Pleasantly  new baby catepillars are showing
>up on plants that haven't been outside in a week and
>I can't find any eggs.  
>Also the swallowtails that have emerged so far don't
>seem to like the sugar water or commerical butterfly
>nectar  I'm offering.  What should the adults eat ?
>Tom Hickerson
>tom at automatedtech.com

The eggs are green,  round and pin head size. The color may vary a bit.

I have also found that the butterflies don't much care for plain sugar water or
commercial mixes.  I use frustose, about a teaspoon per 200ml, little bit of
acerola powder and a smidgin , about a drop of wesson salts mixture. (optional)
 If you want eggs a drop or two of fat free milk could be added.  Swallowtails
are pretty poor at eating on their own so they will need to be force fed a few
times until they learn what the food looks like. Change food daily if milk is
added otherwise every 48 hours.



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