Lack of butterflies

Mark Walker mwalker at
Mon Jul 13 14:29:55 EDT 1998

Jim Steffens commented:

>I would be interested in hearing about monarch counts in other parts of the

Well, the monarch numbers do seem to be down significantly for the second
week in July.  I've seen maybe a dozen here in Vermont since May, but almost
all have been very ragged and brownish (including those I saw this last

I was down in the Philadelphia area over the weekend (Promise Keepers), and
did some poking around with my son.  The weather was fantastic, and there
were quite a few butterflies out, but not what I was expecting.  Still very
little on milkweed, other than the intruding beetles (who don't seem to have
been impacted at all by the strange weather).  In over 6 hours of looking
(in at least 8 different locations over 2 days), I saw only two Monarchs.
No hairstreaks.  Few skippers, other than Erynnis juvenalis, which seemed to
be quite common.

Could be a slow season all summer long.

Mark Walker
Castleton, VT

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